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When I ask him about his watches, he expects me to assume he will tell me that they are set to different times zones. But no. He points at the Chronoscope and says, "Oneis a display watch." It looks great, expensive, and gold. This one, however, is more reliable, more precise, and more attuned with space - it's my backup." He later comes up with an imaginative explanation, creditinggravity for his decision. "If you have one heavy watch on, it will slip to your side. Gravity keeps everything in place, one at the top and one atthe bottom. It's balanced. AndIlike tobea little different."

He wears the Speedmaster Speedmaster new60th anniversary Speedmaster on his right replica watches He says, "This one I'm going make some modifications to." He says, "I'm going make it a Mars watch so here on EarthI can tell what time it's on Mars." This is no easy task for a watchmaker. Keep in mind that a day on Mars takes 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds.

Aldrin, wearing three Omegas, answers questions from the UK press

Aldrin in the new Omega Speedmaster 60th anniversary.

Aldrin asked us whether we had a Hasselblad during our photoshoot. This was referring to the space camera Armstrong and Aldrin took into space. Our photographer brought along a Polaroid, but we didn't have one. This led to a discussion about Aldrin's son Andy. Andy is an avid wildlife and underwater photographer, who has come to terms with the fact that he will never be able to take a photograph as iconic as his father's of the Moon's surface.tissot replica He says, "It was very distinctive so I had to make a picture." It's quite lonely looking, so I had to place my foot down so that you could see the footprint and boot together. This one isn't as well-known, but it does speak volumes about the lunar human footprint.