Quang Minh Co., Ltd is established on 12th April 1994 (Business Registration Certificate No 4200 285 977). Head office: No 03 (Old add: No 06), Tue Tinh Street, Loc Tho Ward, Nha Trang City, Vietnam.
For over 20 years from establishing date, Quang Minh Co., Ltd always non stop to expand, develop and innovate. As Shipping Broker Company in the past, we owned Quang Minh ship – DWT 2.100, at present we own 05 ships have 3.800 DWT to 4.300 DWT that operate in interior and Asia lines, with many services and commerce activities. We have more than 200 staffs and officers, crews who are very experience and enthusiasm.
In the world economy situation nowadays, the shipping market in general and interior transport in particular are facing with a lot of difficulties, Quang Minh Co., Ltd always and always with try the best to bring the best services and competition to all clients.
With reputation over 20 years we always proud of our solid and stable position in the international and regional maritime markets, along with good relationship between owners and charterers, broking and chartering company and in cooperation with famous Trading and Shipping company, with the source of cargoes and means of transport are plentiful, we pledge to giving peace of mind and best quality for all clients.
All our services are:
- Sea Freight Service
- Ship Chartering & Broking Service
- Shipping Agent Service
- Business – Trade Service
- Repairing & supplying Service
The top our criterion are “Prestige and Quality” that was evidenced by title “Prestige and Quality Company” since 2006. Quang Minh Co., Ltd always satisfies and meets requirements of clients in using our services.